Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Walking Sayulita

Time seems to be running out for me in Sayulita. My legs want to explore - to pretend to be walking Hibou. I miss her here, where about 1/3 of the people have dogs - happy beach running dogs Hibou. Please forgive me for not bringing you - but you would not have liked the plane ride - although I must say I did. West Jet flew us from Victoria to Puerto Vallarta and the airport told us immediately we were away from home. A short taxi ride brought us here to the arches of Casa de Los Arcos where we have been content.

Yesterday Susan and I walked the length of the visible beach and the most exciting moment was when we slipped through this arch in the volcanic rock from one beach to the next. The arch was long enough that it was a dash between surges of the waves.

The waves are generally big. Surfers crowd the water and I tried two things. A belly ride on a surf-board thanks to one of the yoginis who ahs learned to surf and then a boogy board ride in over the surf all on my own - chest puffed proudly like the frigate birds we see above us daily. Today we walked the long hill up to the old Bed and Breakfast and saw the beauty of the inland homes - the peace of no roaring waves. We also visited an old friend of Gay’s and I was happy to be able to offer Therapeutic Touch for the second time on this vacation. A young woman has just been diagnosed with Bell’s palsy and when I saw her face at the end of the treatment I was thanked.

I want to send love to everyone at home and it has been hard to get on-line here so please know that I am well, learning to drink the odd Margaritta, and loving the warm sea and the air here. I hope this posting finds everyone also enjoying llife wherever they may be. Love -peg

Friday, February 10, 2012

Music, Massage and Moli

Clay Massage, Moli and Beautiful Chants

Day Four of Gay’s Yoga Intensive: We worked through sore shoulders and stiff legs - managing several stronger poses. Our backs are getting stronger and flatter each day and the love of this ‘yoga studio’ is also growing. We used the rails to stretch out arms and legs, watching water skiing surf boards and pink rainbows on this stormy and rainy day. We ended the morning session with a beautiful chant that Gay had written and put to music on Iona Island, years ago. The words are below - of course the ‘her’ is Gaia, Mother Earth or any other name for the feminine energy.

We are held in the heart of her hand,

Like a tiny wee grain of sand - Supported. Transported.

On the waves of her love As the wind of her breathe Fills our sails.

We are coming home again. We are coming home again

We are coming home again. We are coming home.

- Gay Meagly

A chorus of song and humanity as, through yoga, we learn more about how our individual bodies move and talk to us. The afternoon class ended with a light just as the sun was setting. I don’t think I have ever seen a pink rainbow before, but today God graced the arc of colours in various rosy hues.

Yesterday was interesting - I decided to try a clay massage - what sculptor wouldn’t? As I lay face down on a home-made table on the sandy beach, easing my head into a place of surrender, I was transported to past massages. Soon a skin of bentonite clay covered me from head to foot, including my hair. The wet slip cooled me - protected my skin from the hot sun - that alone was a very pleasant experience. Then the masseur went to work and - to my amazement - found knots under knots under knots. He worked for at least an hour - I was sure that I would float at the end of the session. I guess I was transformed by the look of my friends when I got off the table. “You look like the wicked witch of the west,” Suzanne reported - “I mean - you look so --- odd”. I wrapped my head and headed to the swimming beach to wash the clay off. It did feel great and I’m sure greater benefits will show over time. He managed to untwist knots in my arms that have been there for years.

And tonight we strolled to town and ate chicken moli at a table for four on the street. Our table was a bit rocky but the food was amazing - I figured anything cooked with chocolate had a good chance of being absolutely delicious and this was! We shared adventure stories where twists of fate were responsible for great opportunities in our lives. I could list many but my first rejection for a Masters Program led me in a much better direction. And so now as the sea breeze blows coolness into the night air and the band plays riotously in town, I’ll post this and hope that one day you will travel to Sayulita and see the pink

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yoga and Huichol Ceremony

Day One - Yoga in Sayulita

Our first morning of boga (pleasure) yoga! Shockingly, although I am always up early, when Gay came to wake us at 7:20 I was busy dreaming. But by 7:30 I was on my mat with the others ready to stretch into a new day. Everyone loves this place - what’s not to love? We sit at Casa Los Arcos, high on a hill on the south side of town and two minutes walk on a dirt track from the swimming beach, which is Playa des Mortes. Sayulita’s beach is a surfing beach and excellent for boogy boarding - unlike Canadian beaches - no wet suits are needed. For those who know Spanish - it’s OK - the swimming playa is just past the cemetery, hence the name Beach of the Dead.

There are regular visitors over our Casa. I hope to draw the wing formations of the pelicans, the frigates and the buzzards - each is unique and exquisite! There are also shorebirds, terns and gulls we meet as we amble along the water on our walk to town. And one night we were visited by a skunk - thank goodness he or she headed on to the disco. We don’t bother - at night we can dance on our spacious deck to the music the water carries so perfectly. In fact, I appreciate this volume far better than the volume at the night clubs - and we can dance in our jimmies! The other “yoginis” are great folk, we eat together, and have an informal book exchange, most of us are spending a great deal of time resting and reading. Life is easy and breathes are long and deep.

This morning’s practice was special - we thought about a Huichol ceremony that is taking place today. Apparently the Mexican government sold sacred land to a Canadian gold mining company. Today the Huichols are walking in solidarity with other Mexican and Canadian First Nations to their sacred site and performing honouring ceremonies. We can only hold their space and hope that the Canadians come to their senses and realize that the land has a meaningful purpose far greater than the value of gold.

Yadira has just left and it is time for us all to stir into the day’s activities - walking to town, swimming, exploring bookstores, and perhaps a little more reading and writing for me. Yadira is our special guest - she cooks a breakfast for everyone to enjoy after the early morning yoga class. Time has new form - it is amoeboid - I know that it somewhere in the middle of the day, but the hour alludes me. It is so pleasant to be without a schedule. However, I must also report that we are without internet - yesterday was a holiday - no repair man came - manyana?

So I am strolling down the beach to the nearest hotspot. I send love to all my family and friends and healing to those who need or want it. My one goal today - to find the man who sells green coconuts and drink that special liquid - which I still believe is part of the reason I am here today!