I keep hoping for warmer weather as we approach the day of the shearing. For those following this blog and I am sorry that I have not put up posts for a week or so. I heard from our African partners and will share some of the input from them. I want to thank people who have taken out their cheque books and made donations. We are thrilled every time we open the mail and see that we are slowly climbing towards our goal.
Regarding health care, I know that there are plenty of things that need to be looked after in Victoria and Canada. That is why we are making arrangements to give our hair to wig-makers who support people who lose hair due to cancer or some other personal health problem. Can you just imagine how much comfort Svea's blond hair will give some child? I believe that along with our air will go some of our energy, and Svea is a kind and most thoughtful young woman.
Would you consider letting your friends and family know about the Hair Campaign? What will you tell them? Essentially, that many people Peggy met in Kenya, Africa, are trying to live lives just like ours. Peggy talked to children who want to go to school and learn about dinosaurs, the solar system and mathematics. She met adults that want to work their fields and get food in for their families. And like elsewhere in Africa she saw grandmothers looking after their orphaned grandchildren, and other care-givers looking after those orphans that have no one else. All of these people operate in communities where about 10 - 25% of the population gets so sick with treatable illnesses that they die. The change that $25 can make is remarkable; the change that $200 can make astounding; and the change that thousands will make is that the people in these communities will be able to continue to work on achieving their goals and setting new ones. Without health, there is no chance that they can develop programs that lead to a self-sufficient future. With a care program they will have the foundation that provided for the continuity that builds strong independent organizations. For those who are able to help, please explain that they can write a cheque to VIDEA. If you can encourage them to do that immediately, it seems I am not alone in forgetting to do things if I don't carry out the action when I think of it. Then at the bottom of the cheque, on the memo line, ask them to put 'Hair Campaign pA' or 'pA Hair'. The cheques should be placed in an envelop addressed to: positively AFRICA's office, 2092 Byron Street, Victoria, BC V8R 1L9.
The hair cutting event will take place at Fisherman's Wharf on June 5, 2010, from 12 noon to 4 pm. There will be more information and a few surprises down on the wharf. And if you need a trim - our hairdresser will take time do do cuts by donation.
Keep posted and I will try to keep posting. Blessings to you all -peg
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Life is full of beauty and the saddest of things - people that are inspiring and frustrations. Yesterday I learned two things. Lesalon - the man I treated with Therapeutic Touch earlier this year near his village home - Lesalon died and was buried May 1, 2010. And on the same day I received a heart-felt message from a friend imploring me to accept her offer of sponsorship to attend further Therapeutic Touch training.
The pictures are from the burial and below are some thoughts from Pastor Peter.
Myself I received Lesalon's death with deep sorry [sorrow] for I was trying my best to save his live and involving my friends like you, Emmanuel and all Osopet community. I feel that we have lost a bread winner for his family and that a big burden is laid on Osopet's shoulder to take care of this family. Rosemary is suffering from a severe skin disease and she need special medical attention before her situation become worse.
Her viral load is still low and she has (since 1 week) started taking the ARV'S which is a good thing, not like her husband who had a high viral when he was discovered positive 3 weeks ago.
If Osopet could have taken an action at the beginning, even before Peggy's visit and the resources were available we could have saved his live. All this thoughts and many come to my minds during his burial.
I will cradle the thought that IF we can establish health care funds, people will be able to get health care WHEN they need it. The children are living under Osopet's care. This much I know that donors can be proud of. So - we are proudly moving forward with our Hair Today - Health Care Tomorrow Campaign. If you want to help the Hair Campaign - or want more information - please call me or check out positively AFRICA's website www.positivelyafrica.org.
Thank you Pastor Peter for keeping us informed even in your time of sorrow. By the way, the community and family need help with burial costs. Please let me know if you can help. My email address is peggy@positivelyafrica.org.
My heart aches that Health Care Tomorrow is too late for Lesalon - but we can do something that will help his family! -peg

The BEFORE picture
We have started sending out the message that we going ahead with the Campaign. Cathy began the mail-out April 29th by contacting her family on the 25th anniversary of her father's death. It was a beautiful message with some of Cathy's good humour thrown in. I borrowed her line
" I’m writing with hat in hand (afterwards it will definitely be on my head!) asking if any of you are able to donate to the cause."
Today was the day I began sending 'Hair Today - Health Care Tomorrow' information out to my family and friends. May Day, and we have about a month to raise $10,000 for health care for our partners in Kenya and we have a pretty good start with over $1300 already pledged.
I want to thank the friends who came forward with donations when I told them about the urgent need to cover medical costs for Lesalon, a member of the Osopet Community. He is still very ill and in the Hospital but his family and the community are very happy he is in care and not dying at home. He is a good example of the type of needs that the people in Maasailand have. He is HIV positive, has TB and malaria or meningitis. He needed health care long ago but could not afford it. When the situation was a crisis he was finally taken to hospital, but sending funds each time they are needed is a very expensive way to go. Banks here and in Kenya charge for every transaction, and we loose between $30 and $50 to these bank charges each time we transfer money. I am really looking forward to having Annual Comprehensive Health Care programs for Osopet and Nissi. At Nissi, it will be the orphans will be able to get treatment when they need it.
Today I heard from Pastor Peter (Osopet). He reported that he'd had an accident on the motorbike (while taking Lesalon's family to the Hospital) and needed to get health care himself. Thankfully, receiving Therapeutic Touch from Emmanuel has helped his superficial injuries to heal. As always, he did not ask for anything for himself. He just reported that the funds needed to to pay for Lesalon's health care arrived safely.
The sun is shining here in Victoria and we are enjoying a different day than was forecast. The rains have come in the night instead of spoiling people's weekends. Svea continues to study for exams and I am trying to catch up on correspondence from positively AFRICA Board and volunteers as well as our African partners. I spoke to Cathy and we are all getting excited about the project that we have embarked upon.
Today too Judy Jackson called, having just returned from a filming expedition and she is prepared to take some video footage the day of the shearing. "When is it?" - she asked. Early June is all I could say, but stay posted as we try to get approval for a very "COOL" venue. I know... - everything will be "COOL" once my hair is gone.
Finally, I have to ask - "Do you want to make a pledge?" If you have not received the information about how to do that in your inbox, please send me an email peggyfrank@positivelyafrica.org and I will send the details.
May today's breezes blow great things your way. -peg
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Lesalon's Death - Our Fund will make a Difference
Life is full of beauty and the saddest of things - people that are inspiring and frustrations. Yesterday I learned two things. Lesalon - the man I treated with Therapeutic Touch earlier this year near his village home - Lesalon died and was buried May 1, 2010. And on the same day I received a heart-felt message from a friend imploring me to accept her offer of sponsorship to attend further Therapeutic Touch training.
The pictures are from the burial and below are some thoughts from Pastor Peter.
Myself I received Lesalon's death with deep sorry [sorrow] for I was trying my best to save his live and involving my friends like you, Emmanuel and all Osopet community. I feel that we have lost a bread winner for his family and that a big burden is laid on Osopet's shoulder to take care of this family. Rosemary is suffering from a severe skin disease and she need special medical attention before her situation become worse.
Her viral load is still low and she has (since 1 week) started taking the ARV'S which is a good thing, not like her husband who had a high viral when he was discovered positive 3 weeks ago.
If Osopet could have taken an action at the beginning, even before Peggy's visit and the resources were available we could have saved his live. All this thoughts and many come to my minds during his burial.
I will cradle the thought that IF we can establish health care funds, people will be able to get health care WHEN they need it. The children are living under Osopet's care. This much I know that donors can be proud of. So - we are proudly moving forward with our Hair Today - Health Care Tomorrow Campaign. If you want to help the Hair Campaign - or want more information - please call me or check out positively AFRICA's website www.positivelyafrica.org.
Thank you Pastor Peter for keeping us informed even in your time of sorrow. By the way, the community and family need help with burial costs. Please let me know if you can help. My email address is peggy@positivelyafrica.org.
My heart aches that Health Care Tomorrow is too late for Lesalon - but we can do something that will help his family! -peg
Saturday, May 1, 2010
May Day and the Campaign is 'officially' launched!

The BEFORE picture
We have started sending out the message that we going ahead with the Campaign. Cathy began the mail-out April 29th by contacting her family on the 25th anniversary of her father's death. It was a beautiful message with some of Cathy's good humour thrown in. I borrowed her line
" I’m writing with hat in hand (afterwards it will definitely be on my head!) asking if any of you are able to donate to the cause."
Today was the day I began sending 'Hair Today - Health Care Tomorrow' information out to my family and friends. May Day, and we have about a month to raise $10,000 for health care for our partners in Kenya and we have a pretty good start with over $1300 already pledged.
I want to thank the friends who came forward with donations when I told them about the urgent need to cover medical costs for Lesalon, a member of the Osopet Community. He is still very ill and in the Hospital but his family and the community are very happy he is in care and not dying at home. He is a good example of the type of needs that the people in Maasailand have. He is HIV positive, has TB and malaria or meningitis. He needed health care long ago but could not afford it. When the situation was a crisis he was finally taken to hospital, but sending funds each time they are needed is a very expensive way to go. Banks here and in Kenya charge for every transaction, and we loose between $30 and $50 to these bank charges each time we transfer money. I am really looking forward to having Annual Comprehensive Health Care programs for Osopet and Nissi. At Nissi, it will be the orphans will be able to get treatment when they need it.
Today I heard from Pastor Peter (Osopet). He reported that he'd had an accident on the motorbike (while taking Lesalon's family to the Hospital) and needed to get health care himself. Thankfully, receiving Therapeutic Touch from Emmanuel has helped his superficial injuries to heal. As always, he did not ask for anything for himself. He just reported that the funds needed to to pay for Lesalon's health care arrived safely.
The sun is shining here in Victoria and we are enjoying a different day than was forecast. The rains have come in the night instead of spoiling people's weekends. Svea continues to study for exams and I am trying to catch up on correspondence from positively AFRICA Board and volunteers as well as our African partners. I spoke to Cathy and we are all getting excited about the project that we have embarked upon.
Today too Judy Jackson called, having just returned from a filming expedition and she is prepared to take some video footage the day of the shearing. "When is it?" - she asked. Early June is all I could say, but stay posted as we try to get approval for a very "COOL" venue. I know... - everything will be "COOL" once my hair is gone.
Finally, I have to ask - "Do you want to make a pledge?" If you have not received the information about how to do that in your inbox, please send me an email peggyfrank@positivelyafrica.org and I will send the details.
May today's breezes blow great things your way. -peg
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