Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What Is it like at Kingsbrae Gardens?

Here's to a sunny June. Seems everyone is ready for summer. June is so exciting in eastern Canada, because each day new flowers open in the garden. Kingsbrae is no different than Carol Anne's patch of colourful splendor - we watched the lupines come into flower during the three days that we worked on the finishing touches of the sculpture, including securing the lids on bottles that contained messages from across the country. Each day after our work, we wandered through the huge, diverse and beautiful garden - not a manicured predictable presentation, like Butchart, but more like a naturalized English garden. I hope these pictures make you curious enough to go visit the garden.

The other 16 sculptures are almost all there - ready to be judged around the 12th of June. I will miss that and a party with the other artists on the 13th, when winners will be announced.  I think there is also an open garden on the 15th of June, when the public will be welcomed to view this year's sculpture pieces. I'll have to watch the website! There are certainly some amazing works of art.
Previous winner - I think it was entitled 'the Holy Sturgeon Larry'

I left Cathy, her son, Tomas, and dear friends in St. Andrew's yesterday morning, and have been at Carol Anne's for a full day now. I'm feeling a bit sad that the adventure is over, but more rested and certainly well looked after.  Today we emptied and parked the truck, with it's dragonfly wing blue box, but not until Carol Anne had added St Antoine de Tilly to the list of Cross Canada stops. The picture didn't seem to have transferred so I'll add it tomorrow. Here are some scenes around St. Andrews.

Amazing play area near Kingsbrae - a community volunteer construction for children.

Lobster holding facility - likely another community project
Lake near the B&B where we stayed, in Shamcook
My life has changed focus.  Now I am preparing for a month in India and Nepal with my wonderful God-daughter. It is a very different adventure which will involve walking rather than driving. Today I sorted things into three piles:
1) things I will take to India;
2) stuff to take to my nephew's home in Montreal area, so I can take it to Victoria in July; and, finally,
3) pill bottles, tire chains, blankets and other things that will return when the truck is driven west - likely in the fall.

I am grateful to be able to redirect my focus. It's a bit strange to leave the sculpture - that glued bundle of plastic bottles that has filled my days for months - behind. I know that it adds colour and intrigue to the garden, and it is an honour to be part of this prestigious competition. Again, I am struck by the awareness that it is our work -  a community encouraged it's creation and fed into it's final touches, and technical assistance came from several people.

Flags from the provinces we passed through and visited on our way to St. Andrews

Mom and her youngest - notice how happy Cathy is
I am blessed by family, extended family and loving friends. Thank you. Cathy has been to the backbone of the trip across the country, driving, documenting the journey, ensuring my well-being, and just sharing the joy, laughter, frustrations and awe. I can't think of a way to say thanks to her.

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