Wednesday, February 27, 2013

HIV no longer a death sentence, but stigma remains | CTV British Columbia News

 (HIV no longer a death sentence, but stigma remains | CTV British Columbia News

I am not sure how many found the link to the video that CTV showed on the news one night - here is one

Notice, yet another helper on the back of the truck with the sculpture skeleton. yep, poor fellow was here to build me a better bathroom and - bingo - an opportunity for film footage that couldn't be missed.

I have had many messages saying how pleased others are that I am willing to talk out loud. We are now many who say it like it is - who are PLOPAs. It's enjoyable to talk about everything from the changes in medication since the early years - to the challenges of living a full life - the craziness around criminalizing the possible transmission of HIV.  As we tour across the country, I would love to talk about anything that is pertinent to my fellow Canadians.

PLOPAs is one of my favorite acronyms from Lesotho.  I met a man on the road who was also a Person Living Openly Positive to AIDS. May I say that it's a lot easier here than there.

Thanks to all the PLOPAs out there, and to those who are PLS, We love you too.

1 comment:

Gilleen said...

Peggy, we just saw this CTV piece. Wonderful.

- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

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