Sunday, April 28, 2013

Party Time

Friday there was a big party at Garth Homer in the Community Access Team's (CAT) meeting room.  Why?  Because the amazing people at CAT have raised over $5,500 for several of the African projects.  They are by far positivelyAFRICA's most amazing and dependable donors! And while we, at pA couldn't be prouder of them - they are also proud of themselves. If I get permission I'll post pictures, but imagine a room where the walls are adorned with pictures of children, pigs, chickens, trucks (including the Osopet Water truck) and water tanks as well as pA volunteers receiving cheque after cheque from these amazing souls.  It was a humbling afternoon.  I thought fundraising was difficult, but they have shown me that with persistence and a strong will thousands and thousands of dollars can be raised, five cents at a time. They have been collecting recyclable pop, beer, wine bottles for the past 5 years. Amazing.

Here is the cake!
After I rested a bit, I headed over to get a tiny bit involved in the creation of the box which will carry the sculpture across the country.  Family and friends of Cathy and I have been busy measuring, sawing, drilling, screwing together and painting the blue box for the sculpture. Tomorrow we will secure the box onto the truck, and then tuck the sculptrue carefully away for its' long ride. Again I want to get permission before posting pictures of the work crew hard at for days.

The Cross Canada Cocktail Party 'Send-Off' is today and what could be better than having three beautiful women arrive at your door laden with food. Cooking with them! It was a blast, lots of talk and laughter. I learned that I cut pineapple just like my friend's grandmother. Here are the three helpers at the door - ready to cook - before they adorned their cocktail dresses!
What happens when you get the counter covered with delicious food and these wonderful friends preparing food? Have a look for yourself.
Thanks to everyone who made the sculpture and the send off party possible. Time to get into my own cocktail dress.  See you all soon.  

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