Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring is blooming all around me

I have had my head down - but can't help but notice the blossoms as I drive down the streets or walk through the garden here.  Its snowing pink in Victoria while the rest of Canada watches out for more of the white stuff! My little pagoda lilies are abloom too.  They remind of two wonderful places - Peggy Packard's garden, where I first saw them look so happy; and the maple forest in St Antoine de Tilly, where the wild lilies look a lot like these - and I seem to recall are called 'Hound's tooth violet'. Why would someone take such a pretty flower and give it such a name? 

Today, on the sculpture, I decided that a round of the beautiful tourqoise bottles would fininsh the bottom of the sculpture. This meant cutting pill bottles in half, cleaning the melted plastic off them and then cleaning, sanding and giving them the alcohol bath before attaching them to the - what appears to be the top but is actually the bottom - of the bowl. What do you think?
And yes - I made more progress today with a second gluing. I am going to have something to stand proudly in front of in Vancouver. 

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